Our Story

“Each chef has their own signature, their own unique ingredient they always use to either enhance or finish a dish”

That’s what one of my head chefs taught me early during my career & wouldn’t you know it the ingredient I fell in love with & use in pretty much everything would become the humble simple chili pepper.

Fast forward to 2016 where after taking over my first kitchen I would meet another with the same name as me yet alas spelt differently Luc, quickly becoming fast friends while training him up as a chef himself due to similar tastes in games, movies, memes & of course eventually our love of chili we’d both enjoy the challenge of making hotter & hotter hot sauces whenever people tried the hot wings we had on our menu claimed “o give us a challenge next time” yet we never sacrificed heat for flavour which slowly ended up becoming our first sauce Netherworld inferno

Then when lockdown hit along with the closing down of our kitchen for a spell what else could we do to keep busy. I had the outfit’s to make me look like a necromancer & both taking our favorite type of chili’s (mine being Scotch Bonnet & Luc’s being Jalapeno) like artists we’d work on perfecting our craft & thus our Apothecary was born, since then we’ve been out & about at local markets sharing our passion with whoever we could hoping you enjoy our sauces as much as we do.

The thing about artists is they are always trying to push themselves & while my main focus is always towards what/where I can take the chili like a mad potion master next Luc’s passion drove him more towards music so in 2023 he left the Apothecary dungeon we call home to pursue that with his band Dorsia (check them out there not as good as hot sauce but still pretty good ;) )

Now a lone madman with only his top hat, cane, ravens skull & chili’s for company I’m more determined then ever to find new unique ways of sharing my passion for the humble chili with as many as I can. More & more concoctions shall I brew, more potions shall I create deep down in my secret Apothecary.

I am your potion master/ Apothercary spice chemist Luke but you can know through my dramatic Goth name

“Lacraan Vhyper”